Next Show: Enfield Whitewebbs Model Railway Show (23rd September 2023)
About - what and why
A diorama is a typically static scene showcasing excellent modelling that brings to life a moment in time, typically in the EWRM context of a railway nature.
Longs of Enfield is a railway served light industry storage and warehousing facility. Featuring a number of short sidings upon which goods can be delivered and are manipulated by small wagon turntables into their respective warehouses for emptying, loading and future dispatch.
The front section features the roadway for rail to road transfers to take place and deliveries to the local area.
The timeframe depicted is middle of 20th century (decade non-specific).
OO Gauge.
60cm x90cm (2ft x 3ft) single scenic board.
To book for your show in 2024 please email: show@ewrm.org.uk
Entirely scratch built.