Running day: Era 3 - The Big four Sunday 26th March
Our next themed Running Day is on Sunday 26th March - this time its Era 3 - The Big Four.

Our next running day celebrates 100 years since the creation of The Big Four railway companies -which took place in February 1923.
Bit of History: In 1921, the "Grouping Act" of Parliament was proposed and this merged over 120 smaller regional railways into 4 big groups (the big four) these were the LNER (London and North Eastern Railway), LMS (London Midland and Scottish Railway), GWR (Great Western Railway) and SR (Southern Railway) and during this period the locomotives were rationalized and the era is famed by the Great Railway Races between the LNER and LMS between London and Scotland - with the Mallard setting the speed record in 1926 at 126 miles an hour - never beaten for a steam locomotive.
Many classic railway designs and locomotives come from Era 3 expect to see great examples of all running on this day.
The era concluded with the advent of World War 2 in 1939 and while the Big Four continued during the war they became as shadow of their former selves and most locomotives ended up being painted black. The next era 4 (our April running day) picks up in the post-war era.
Learn more: Learn more on Wikipedia